About Mutiny
Ahoy! Mutiny is the longest standing Horde progression raiding guild on the Bloodsail Buccaneers realm of World of Warcraft - Classic TBC. We are pirates who win costume contests, compete in dungeon speed running contests, and throw big parties.
We believe in strong community and value all of our members! We strive to create an environment that is fun, relaxing, wholesome and non-toxic, while also staying focused on our goals and the best means to achieve them. We expect our raiders to come prepared with the tools necessary to clear our content of focus with an open mind for learning. New content can be challenging, and we expect Mutineers to be ready to roll with the difficulties of mastering it.
If you are looking for a raiding community of competent players that know how to play at high levels while also upholding standards of teamwork and non-toxic community, reach out to us!